Stephanie's Shots

By stephanie

Eva Schloss

While walking back from class, I saw something about a talk by Anne Frank's stepsister, and was intrigued. I looked it up, and turns out that this eve Eva Schloss (formerly: Eva Geiringer) was giving a talk at USC. I was too late to RSVP, but got in anyway, and was very happy I did.
It was all organized by the campus' Jewish center, but I figured being Dutch, I had a good reason to be there :) well, basically, everybody should go and hear these stories.

It was quite something to hear her recount her memories of Anne Frank; how Anne used to talk all the time, and how she was able to pop her shoulder in and out of its socket. A funny thing you don't necessarily hear in general :)
And then the stories she had herself, of what she and her family went through; absolutely horrid. But good to hear nevertheless, and a strange idea to know she actually went through this, and is still here with us to tell us all about it.
It was nice for me to hear how there were so many Dutch people in the resistance trying to help them, and sad when eventually a Dutch double-agent betrayed the whole family..

Somehow I had not expected to ever hear a holocaust survivor tell their story, not sure why, but I am glad I got this opportunity and seized it.
Now I need to go and get that book.


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