
By AndyG1982

2020 PB and a 2020 PW

Dad's 50th park run today. He took Lulu the dog along for the first time to see how she'd do with the crowds. She seemed to enjoy it, but as this was a test dad thought it best to be the tail walker. H was actually the tail walker at the very first aberdeen park run. I did a 2020 PB and did 26.19.

My goal is to get sub 25 Before year end. Making progress, slowly but surely.

I think my running was fuelled by my anger and stress at work, as it looks like I'm going to get fired.
The prospect of job hunting is incredibly stressful, so at least I have the pavement to take it out on. If things don't get Bette job wise in the next few days I might run a sub 20.

The rest of my day was spent job hunting on line then off to the hockey.
Sadly the hockey wasn't great as we lost 7-2 To the Dundee comets.

They played well at first then seemed to go downhill.

Sounds like me at my job if you ask the management.

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