
By Paladian

Face Off!!

First of all, I am happy (ish) to report that the mantid has moved on, word has got back to the hive, and once again the oregano blossom is alive with bees. There were hundreds out there late this afternoon. I have a strong suspicion that the mantid has retired to the deepest undergrowth with chronic indigestion.

Today's blip is one I thought I would never get in a million years. I daresay a lot of you will remember Vodkaman's memorable Yellow Carpenter Bee Blip some months ago. An amazing shot.

Here is a full face shot of a blue banded bee, in flight. She was quite ready to take me on, but stopped short of actually head-butting me. Don't you think she looks a bit like a goat in attack mode?

More goat-like

I fought the bee and the bee won!!

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