Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

in nomine gratus...

In a world stood still, my visible breath, delicately rolling and dancing in the air, is a rudeness and beauty at the same time. We have slept our way, spinning through the galaxy, rushing along in the Universe into another day. Change, the only constant, has decided to desert this little corner of my world. I stood here seems that nothing has changed....look closely though and it is the same but different. Monotonously chaotically unchanged.

Footsteps that tell of journeys made, tyre marks of all kinds, bird tracks crisscross the periphery of the snow and in each dent is wonder. Something wonderful in everything, I crouched down and looked at the crystalline forms of ice and snow flakes....simply stunning!

It is hard to see it all without your heart stopping....every bit of the day....the gentle breathing of my lovely Lady asleep, the ice patterns on the car window, the crunch of snow/ice under my feet, skidding and playing on my bike, the water rushing over the weir, spying a green shoot of a Snowdrop peeking above the white snow, street lamps burning orange in the dark...well, the list is endless!

It's off to the climbing wall before work, fill the day, have fun with the time you have, right?

So, In the name of grateful, I live my life.

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