These ones must stay

When we were newly up here 12 years ago I brought up books that I envisaged various visitors, young and old, might like to dip into. They largely consisted of my old childhood favourites that I couldn't bear parting with. Actually, let's be honest, this was all a ruse so I didn't have to say goodbye to any of them!

Well, of course no one has touched them and I've had to harden my heart and do a cull. But these ones must stay. They carry memories of being happily closeted in my room, lying on my bed and being totally oblivious of the real world beyond the door. Mum bought each one of us a new book when we went on our summer holiday. It was doubtless a means of keeping us quiet (no gameboys or internet) but I do bless her for the journeys I took in those books.

In other news; a bit of a grey, fairly windy day with more indicators this morning that it had rained heavily overnight. We had a good wander at Burray (extra) and the rest of the day has been sorting out loads for the tip.

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