Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Owt fer Nowt

"'Ear all, see all, say nowt;
Eyt all, sup all, pay nowt;
And if ivver tha does owt fer nowt -
Allus do it fer thissen."

Famous Yorkshire saying

That aprecious is busy. Doing something for nothing. Selfless she is.

So, apparently, after I've eaten my way through a few shoes and anything else I can find...

...I'm walking myself.

Whey hey! Watch out sheepies! Here I come.

Thought I'd share some Yorkshire wisdom today.

Thank you so much for your lovely words yesterday. They cheered me right up. On a very long day.

By the way, I talk in this Yorkshire dialect at home. All the time. (Honest.)

Ps got to try and get me car out today. Wish me luck!

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