Sunday's painting...

... Here is my painting/s for this morning.

Top one is in the A5 sized sketch book.
Bottom one is on the C6 sized index card.
Watercolours. Japanese calligraphy pen. And I mixed some process white with the water colours to create that thicker paint to flick on the trees.

I am shattered because Popeye wasn't well in the night.  and on one side he was unable to walk. I didn't know what it was. I examined him very closely. He has very thick fur. I was combing that bit. Then an abscess burst as I combed. Hot compresses. Then I found there were two teeth marks. So was this from the cat flap attack business?

Checked online, it is possible it was from that even though that was awhile ago. 

So I have been attentive to Popeye today, and he is much better tonight than he was 16 hours ago...more hot compresses.

I have a cochlear appointment tomorrow, so will be trying to get him to vet before appointment.

I was going to catch-up on comments etc today, but was looking after Popeye...

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