Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Making Hay!

A busy day of being in and out with Mum; my favourite kind of day generally! 

Off to do my food shopping this morning, back to make some leek and celery soup for dinner and then out to Haworth. A hop up the cobbled street stopping off at several of the lovely little local shops. They're always a pleasure to look inside. 

After a warm cuppa, we head off on a hop up and over to Penistone Hill Country and back down onto Marsh Lane leading to Sun Street where the car was parked. Beautiful views and a real treat for it still to be light after 5pm! 

I've added an extra of the sun going down as we made our way back in the car. I'm looking forward to an evening of cosy TV viewing; Top Gear followed by Last Tango in Halifax. :-)

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