The edge of the storm

Sunday 1st March 2020


A full day as we had our Schools Celebration Service this morning, with the school taking part and then we had a picnic in the hall with pancakes, followed by our Pancake Family Fun. The family fun included all ages. The youngest contestant was 3.5yrs and the oldest 70+. We had games based around pancake ingredients - egg and spoon, milk bottle balance and find the polos hidden in the flour using a straw but no hands. We didn't quite expect people to blow the flour! The 3.5yr old stole the show when she decided to be my helper and repeat every instruction I gave in a loud voice but when I tried to get her to announce the winning team was team 1 she kept shouting team 3! 

A small group of us then went for a pub meal (we hadn't had lunch) and made it back just in time for Evensong. As we left at the end of the day there was a heavy hail storm as we drove through the village. When I got home I took this straight away, my house was literally at the edge of the storm.  

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