Spring Flowers

Its been a case of four seasons in one day! I was working from home today, which rather wonderfully meant extra time in bed! I started work as soon as I was up. Within minutes it was snowing - big white fluffy flakes falling on ice frosted ground. I had my first Skype meeting, then by the time it was finished, it was raining outside. 
Lunch was leftover butternut squash soup - so far day 6 of Lent having soup for lunch every day. 
I then had a telephone meeting, which went well. The sun came out, and the sky turned blue. My son arrived home from school and I had another skype meeting. Then nipped out to take this shot in the garden. Final piece of work took about an hour. 
Watching the news about the Coronavirus. Over the weekend I increased our stock of pasta, cat food, tins, and some frozen meat so we could keep going for 2 weeks in case of any quarantine situation if need be. 

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