Quicker Commute...

On my way home from work, if I'm very lucky, I can catch a bus that will drop me less than half a mile from my house. The next one drops me in the next village about 1 and a half away.

This mile and a half would normally take me about 5 to 10 minutes to walk but I decided to give it a whirl on the skateboard.

Brilliant! It's mainly downhill and had I not been bending down trying to get this photo, I reckon I could get it down to 2 or 3 minutes. I got myself a brill new bag which I can safely strap the board to the back and store my skate gutties in.

A wee swap of shoes, loosen of tie on the bus and I get a brill wee trundle to finish off my commute.


New bearings are going down a treat.

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