The 1975

I was aware of The 1975, of course; I think one of my older daughters used to like them a few years ago. But then, over the last few months, maybe longer, one of my good Twitter friends, Chris, has become absolutely passionate about them.

They band are currently on a nine date tour and Chris is going to every gig. Tonight, The 1975 were playing Manchester and I was flattered when Chris invited me to go along with him. Flattered and slightly daunted; he loves them so much, that I didn't want to let him down by not being bowled over myself!

Music aside, there's a lot to like about The 1975. Whilst - finally - it seems everyone apart from the fruitcake climate change deniers is concerned about the environment, this band really does walk the walk. Plus, they seem to have a genuine desire to interact with and provide entertainment for their fans.

However, another reason I was anxious about tonight's gig is that it was at the Manchester Arena, which holds around 21,000 people, and I'm not really a big gig kind of guy. (I doubt there were even 500 of us at last week's Julian Cope gig). And, my God, it really is a giant space!

But The 1975's stage show is clearly designed with the arena in mind and despite the fact that we were two thirds of the way back, there was still loads to see and the sound was excellent. As to the music, well, I really enjoyed the faster, noisier tracks. The opener, 'People', was an absolute stormer, and the set was peppered with tracks that I enjoyed, despite not being familiar with them. (There was some slower, ballady/boy band stuff that wasn't so much my cup of tea.)

On the whole, though, I'm really glad that Chris asked me along and that's saying something when it's an arena gig. I did feel that even though I can't imagine ever feeling as strongly about them as Chris does I did see a brilliant band in its prime. Hell, I might even buy the new album when it comes out. 

-10.4 kgs
Reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend (I haven't picked this up for days. I need to get it finished.)

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