
By TBay

Life and Death.

Last night Mrs Tbay Jnrs father died. A terrible blow for his wife and three daughters. Mr H had been unwell for quite a few weeks but the Oncologists had been unable to pin point the source of the cancer and so were unable to identify what it was. 

On Monday he was admitted to hospital again with complication. Sadly yesterday he lost the fight and passed away surrounded by his wife and girls peacefully.

 It seems that he had very rare and particularly difficult to diagnose types of cancers and they were very aggressive. Sad times, leaving us all a bit battered after the past few weeks.

But with death there is always life too and this morning Mr Tbay Jnr had to deliver a very large lamb who made an entrance with assistance from us both. I would never have been strong enough to pull this one out! The resulting lamb was on its feet moment after this shot was taken and Mum was up and on her feet with in moments. Nature is amazing. Just a tiny ray of sunshine in an otherwise dark day.

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