Lent 2020 day 8

’In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.’ (Isaiah 30:15)

(Had to wait all day for these photos! An extra of Allegra in a similarly restful state...)

Dr. Elaine Storkey writes:
“Tearfund is committed to justice and eradicating extreme poverty, and we believe this is the call of the wider church. To see this brought about, we need to do things that make a difference. Change comes through taking action.

Yet the quest for justice can also be driven by restlessness. Sometimes it is fuelled by a need to keep busy. When we’re driven by busyness, deeper reflection and listening carefully to others can be crowded out. Worst of all, it can consume all the time and space we need to hear God and be guided by the Holy Spirit. So Isaiah’s reminder is much needed.

Our salvation is in repentance and rest; our strength is in quietness and trust, for these are the qualities we need to draw close to God. God meets us most powerfully in the stillness of our hearts, in the very centre of our being, for there we are most truly ourselves.”

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