Home again...

An amazing sunrise this morning as we arrived back at Tilbury Cruise Terminal. Then an easy disembarkation and a short walk with a very uncooperative luggage trolley to the long stay car park. Home within the hour. Fantastic.

It’s been a truly wonderful trip! I will update my journal here to record my memories. Plans failed while away! And life goes on for everyone where they are. I have much catching up to do.

Best part of today was being back in time to be at dear Kathy’s funeral service. Not delayed so we could be there, which was at first so amazingly suggested, but the first date given to the family. It was a lovely service with very happy memories. There is always more learnt about a person on these occasions as family and friends share memories of the Kathy they knew. Allow me to say how thrilled I was that my 90th birthday dinner photo of Kathy was used for the front of the service sheet.

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