Let's be careful out there!

"but I only want to see, where does the water go...!"

To be honest, I am not sure what to do. You see the situation is, that hubby has been working in Tokio since Monday, and will arrive home tomorrow evening. There is Corona virus in Hokkaido Island, but apparently not in Honsu, or in Tokio area. So, he might not be contaminated while working.
And if he is lucky, he will not have the virus from Finnair plane either.

On the other hand we (especially me) should now work at home via remote access as often as possible, to avoid contacts with possible contaminated people. Because of my profession in publication team. Also most of travels abroad have been canceled, only some production travels, like hubby's is allowed.
I have to admit, that it feels a bit hard, that my husband just comes and goes like this. I am not supposed to travel now even into Helsinki by train.

I could escape to grandparents for few days, until he lefts to his next gig in Finland. So he can catch it also here. But for sure, I can not live somewhere else than in my home.

I am sure that I will get the f..ing Corona, if he has it.

Anyway he can not know if he has been contaminated or no. And if I stay home, and he gets sick, I will immediately be quarantined too. Firm policy. That makes not more new to the situation, but now I should work home and if he is sick, I have to work at home. Not allowed to step into office.

How do you cope?


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