Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet


This is what Leonardo da Vinci saw as the shape of a woman’s womb. His anatomical studies are very detailed, if not always correct. This it is believed is partly based on the dissection of a male, and the interpretation of the myths surrounding the seven horns of a female uterus.
Having had period pain enough from two horns I can assure you that seven would be excruciatingly unfair!

This was from the Leonardo da Vinci exhibition at the Queens Gallery at Holyrood, as I was there with a colleague to meet with a Cabinet Secretary in the Scottish Parliament. Was a productive meeting, and got to see the ministerial offices, which are rather like glass rabbit hutches!
The extras are some of my favourites from the exhibition, and the first is the vaulted ceiling of the entrance hall of the Scottish Parliament, which is supposed to resemble the upturned hull of a boat.

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