
By EdwardHealey

Early morning in Tamworth.

An early meeting in Tamworth. I parked on the outskirts and walked through the Castle Gardens into town, which was lovely. In fact it's been smashing all day and with the added bonus of a half day off work this afternoon to boot.

Unfortunately I've not had the chance to enjoy the great outdoors as I've spent the afternoon trying to get my new photo printer to talk to my wireless network! It's done now and I'm happy with the results it produces. I stopped photo printing at home a long time ago when it was a ferociously expensive business, its still not cheap mind, but things have come on leaps and bounds so I thought it was time to have another go. 

Now to immerse myself once again in the world of printer and paper custom profiles... Or, just leave it on default and spend the saved time getting out and taking photos!

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