
By seddon

World book day

Today is World book day. Thomas had originally decided to dress up as the footballer from his Manchester United book, which would have been the easiest dress up ever. He then changed his mind to bumble bear. Then, after I had ordered his outfit, he said he'd changed his mind again, but it was OK because the outfit would still be good - he wanted to go as DAVE the ahaha wasp from his book 'you're called what?'
So here he is!

It's been such a good day for our little man...
I was called in after school so Mrs Hall could show me his writing book - he'd done his own text map and written a full story all by himself with no help and was the only one in the class to finish the task.
Walking home we caught up with a little boy from reception who has quite severe autism, and his mum. She told me that her son always talks about Thomas and says he helps him. She has to meet with school and the special needs coordinator every few weeks and at the last meeting apparently the sen person had written in their notes that he has a good friend in Thomas and that Thomas is brilliant with him.
He was also on platinum at school.

So proud of our little superstar!

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