
By MissCharlotte

O Hai!

Had quite an intensive day of study today, full of poetry and a critic called Arthur Lovejoy (which is a name and a half). As a result I haven't had chance to get out with my camera, although now the snow is starting to melt it's nowhere as near as pretty as it has been over the last week or so.

The temporality of snow makes me sad. It is such a magical thing and gives me such a feeling of euphoria when it starts to fall, it's like I'm five years old again. My housemates have joked that they've never seen anyone get as excited as me when it's snowing. I have a tendency to get quite emotionally attached to things and snow is, to me, beautiful- I wish it could just disappear overnight so I didn't have to see it fading in stages, turning brown and icy.

But I digress, I hadn't been outside with my camera and so was looking desperately around my room for inspiration when George popped his head out to say hello (he's been sleeping off a meal for the last couple of days). I think this picture represents his personality quite well- he's a happy, cheeky snake.

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