Waves go up!

A silly mistake for Silly Saturday.

I made two pairs of blinds for our daughter's new cottage. I think I blipped the fabric a while back - waves in blue and waves in grey. I finished them, apart from the hems, a few months ago and they were taken to the cottage to try out. On our way back from Kent last week we called in to collect the blinds from our daughter so I could finish them. She said they looked great, but there was a problem - one pair were the wrong way up: "waves go up, not down", well they do go down too, but I could see what she meant. It's obvious when you see it (the top fabric is the wrong way, the bottom fabric is right), but I think I was concentrating so much on making sure the fabric was level and the blinds matched each other when brought together etc. that I did not notice the mistake. 

Anyway today I've been unpicking, pressing and sewing again and they are all okay now. I don't mind as it is such a miserable day, Gordon seems to be watching football, Rugby or something - I haven't seen him for ages. And I am always happy when at my sewing machine. 

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