lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo

Natural and not so natural relaxation methods

Tonight I am feeling stressed. I am getting a feeling of dread and foreboding and a very uneasy feeling centring on my stomach.

I've been on the happy pills for 3 years now. Of course they don't make me happy. I think they regulate my moods into a smoother line rather and stop me falling into a pit of despair. Plus I tend to get less anxious. That's also because of lifestyle changes and self-help books. I still feel down sometimes though and sometimes, like tonight, the anxiety also manages to make itself known.

The feeling of dread if left unchecked to run riot through my head will trigger anxiety which will trigger panic. I find going outside and finding some birds to take photos of can calm me and get me focused on the present rather than reanalyzing past mistakes and worrying about what the future might bring.

The lavender oil seems to be pretty effective at helping me sleep. I don't go in for aromatherapy otherwise but it's smell I associate with relaxation so it seems to work for me.

I don't know what tomorrow might bring. It might be a brilliant day. The evidence so far suggests it won't be but it may yet surprise me...

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