
By Praxis

Cold snap

There has been an unexpected turn in the weather the past couple days - it has gone from being a steady 40 degrees or so to a sudden wintry feeling. Today was reported to be about 14 degrees. Yesterday we woke to about an inch of snow, and it's staying for a bit. V. and I took a walk (we HAD to drop off laundry!) and she kept pausing to lick snow off her mittens. In this photo, she's leaning into someone's front yard to get at their tasty, tasty snow.

This is much improved over the first time she experienced snow, a couple weeks back. I found myself having to repeat, "No licking snow off the sidewalk!" - something I never thought I would ever say.

Now, however, I am wrassling with her over trying to eat the salt used on the sidewalks to melt the snow.

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