horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Thinking Inside the Box

I think a lot of people from the office today were taking the disaster-test working from home day as a 'snow day'. Definite slowdown in emails, not that I'm going to complain about that with the juggling that I'm doing just now.

Good news in the form of a colleague testing negative for coronavirus (see Monday's entry), so in theory back to normal tomorrow. Although a group-wide update has come out that handshakes are banned in the office, as are gatherings of more than 20 people. I've asked if this also extends to the canteen, where 100+ people gather at lunchtimes and root about in the same cutlery bins, share soup ladles, sit at the same tables, and, by the very nature of eating, have their hands coming in close proximity to their mouths....

Consistency of message would be handy. But I'd wager against the canteen being closed. Taking it seriously then, as all of the information emails say they are...

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