Keep your hands busy

Here I am modelling a BRS boiler suit bought from Macsalvors in Poole Cornwall in the 1990s. Painting the inside of the cooker cowl.

Just heard we have moved to Lockdown 2.0. All shops across Italy except food, pharmacies, newsagents and fag shops closed for 14 days. No movement even on foot without self certification. Factories open for essential productive activities only.

The regional government in Lombardy / by far the worst hit region - has been calling for this. The momentum built and Conte has cleverly gone with it and is probably taking the people with him.

Tuscany (3.3m pop) now has 316 cases and 5,800 people in domestic quarantine. 2000 new health staff being employed. Regional president says we have two weeks to prepare for the peak.

Our mayor WhatsApps to the 2,000 residents to tell young people to keep 1m apart and tries to scotch rumours of cases in the village.

It is a huge collective effort. Magnificent in its ability to up the ante and try again when things go wrong. In all the anxiety and fear we’re also proud to stand with Italy.

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