
By Lel


RIP “Brodie”

After not being on here for a couple of weeks due to having a touch of pleurisy (fully recovered now) and mum being pretty bad, I didn’t think that this post would be about something so sad. As some of you know my Nephew is in Iraq with the British army. He is stationed at camp Taji which is about 80 miles north of Baghdad.

On Monday he flew home for a week as part of his mid tour break. He left friends and colleagues behind as they stagger the breaks so there are always soldiers at camp. They have been under constant attacks and gunfire for several weeks.

Last night he rang me in tears, he had just been informed that there had been an attack at his camp. 18 missiles landed and killed 2 US soldiers and 1 British soldier.

A young female soldier from the Royal army medical corp. “Brodie” (her nickname as I can’t name her out of respect for her family)
He was talking to her the day before he flew home as she was treating his shoulder, they were friends. She was in the pod next to his when the bombs landed. They chatted often, she was an army reservist who worked in the NHS but gave up her time to serve her country. She was in love, excited to be going home in a few weeks. A normal typical young woman with everything to live for.

I’m so grateful that Matty is home for the week. His colleagues who were in his pod (sleeping quarters) have suffered severe life threatening and life changing injuries. 12, T1 injuries (loss of limbs) and countless others severely injured by shrapnel and the effects of bombing.

Why? I don’t know. War is such a pointless excercise. I can’t fathom why the world is in such a state.

He wants to go back today! He will probably get his wish as they will probably cancel their leave and ship them back to Iraq. He has another 4 months to go on this tour. I can’t bear the thought of him being there. It is going to escalate if Trump has his way.

I’ve lit a candle for “Brodie” but also for all our boys & girls who serve our country.
These are terrible times. Please keep them in your thoughts.

Stand easy Brodie x

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