
By MumOf4Wildlings

A mixed day

After the usual Chao's of getting the Wildlings ready , I was out the door early as my little jedi was having to get his jags. He did not take it well one little bit. ( None of the others have cried). This wee one cried for over 25 mins, he wouldn't take comfort from me and even cried while in the sling. He cried until he fell asleep.
And then it was straight to the dentist for Lincoln. Nana and grandad got him from nursery for me as jags and dentist was literally at the same time. Although when I got there they were running late.
It took a lot of coaxing from us to let the dentist do his thing. This dentist is amazing and has the patience of a saint. He deals with Xander too. Lincoln wasn't in the best of moods today, so he was extremely grumpy and tired.

I have been quite grumpy too with certain people today. And for good reason too.

I also phoned for a update on my dad. He had to be resuscitated yesterday, and is on oxygen today. It may sound awful to say but I'm wondering why the intervened as much, as he is going to pass soon, like I don't understand, as the next few days or that might be harder on him. I hope that doesn't come across as being harsh .

Xander's school was putting on a presentation today of Egypt. I was super impressed. Every pupil in the school was involved and they did a amazing job. They have obviously put in a huge amount of work and effort. I took time and spoke to as many of the students and asked them Various questions.

Harp was up throughout the night last night for quite a while, so I'm feeling a little sleepy. It is time for bath and bed now :-)

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