Do Your Best

Lent verse today is Colossians 3v23:

Do your best. Work from the heart for your real Master, for God, confident that you’ll get paid in full when you come into your inheritance.

His hands show how hard he works. We were picking all our oranges to take to England when I spied this baby bird in a nest in one of the trees. I'd carefully felt with my finger a while ago, and felt an egg, so hadn't gone near since. Anyway, as Mike was yanking off the oranges, this little one fluttered to the ground. Mike picked it up and put it back - a couple of times - and eventually it stayed there. Hoping it's OK. 

We're more or less sorted, off to do the Bible study at 21h, and hoping for an early start for the ferry in Santander tomorrow. Not sure if our daughter's wedding is essential travel, but I'd be devastated to miss it... 

Hoping we get out of Portugal; the leaders are in a meeting discussing measures at the moment. If we hear the border is closing, might make a run for it - it's 7km away. And then hoping the ferries go. Hoping we don't get quarantined on the ferry, and get to England. Pretty confident we're not infectious, no cases so far in the Alentejo. And we'll be careful on the ferry, and afterwards. And hoping Julia and Tom get some sort of wedding, even if not as planned.

- that we are in God's loving hands, all of us, which doesn't absolve us of responsibility to do our part, of course
- Rodrigo (our vizinho) coming by with wife and grandson, to reassure us he'll look after the Land while we're away
- all the wedding presents folk are giving us to take for Julia

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