PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Best Buds

Today we health checked Grace, a rather sweet, blind older female bear. She needed to have a canine removed as it was fractured in a fight several months ago when she was first being introduced to her current group of bears. She has come along in leaps and bounds and is now happily integrated with 19 other bears! The fractured canine has never really bothered her too much so we were able to wait til she she was happy and stable in the group before disrupting her routine by doing an anaesthetic. She did take quite some time to recover from her GA today, but when I left her this evening she was happily (albeit rather slowly) slurping up her blended fruit and vegies and soaked dog food :).

This afternoon I managed to duck over to house 3 and 4 briefly after Grace was awake enough and managed to capture Blue and Gus having a good old fashioned bear wrestle. They are really good mates and a good match for each other in the playing department! I just love Gus's crescent (the one facing the camera) - it looks a little like the batman symbol don't you think?

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Update on Eugi: We have decided not to go back in and resuture his wound, and at this stage the vets are happy to treat it as an open wound. Sadly for Eugi we are having to keep him fairly sedated in order to stop him licking and scratching at it - which is making him a little grumpy. I can't imagine what it must be like for him to be unable to see (he is a blind bear also) and to then also not be fully conscious and aware of his surroundings - must be a little terrifying - I think I'd be grumpy too!

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