Odd find

Run this morning with a friend and we came upon this column in teh middle of some felled woodland. We followed several paths, some of which were dead ends, but were rewarded with the column and the nice line of trees in the extra. 
Used my new potting bench this afternoon (birthday present from daughter) and out for a very belated Christmas meal with the running group this evening.
The blurb tells about the column, we couldn't find any writing.
The Commemorative Column (A Listed)

The column was designed by Sir William Bruce and erected in 1694. It is approximately 45 feet high, has a moulded base and pedestal and is uniformly square in its extent. The north side bears the name of JAMES EARLE OF PANMURE, 1694; and on the south side, his wife MARGARET COUNTESS OF PANMURE, 1694. James was the 4th Earl and Margaret was the daughter of the 3rd Duke of Hamilton.

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