
By Saxysax


Little Indie has been running about the house and garden over the last few days snapping pictures of everything.  Some are very blurry but others are completely amazing.  Here she is with the dslr - a somewhat worrying  and concerning prospect but who am I to get in the way of creativity?

A slightly bitty day today.  I was meant to be taking the kids to a music and songwriting session this morning but it was sadly cancelled due to coronavirus worries.  The right thing really.

Then Z had a face to face meeting cancelled so had to do it over video at home.  To make this work i took the kids out for a long walk, we found some good walking stick blanks for the kids so cut them down and brought  them home to dry out a bit before we make them more exciting for them.

Indie then had her first ballet and tap dancing class.  She was very excited and nervous about going.  However when she came home she was beaming from head to toe.  She had the most marvelous time!

Z and Indie then went to Tesco, so many shelves where completely bare.  No pasta, eggs, pesto, flour, baked beans. among other things  We will be having some strange meals this week I think.  The shop assistant told Z that there was now a blackmarket for toilet roll!

Lovely evening at the poker last night, Alot of fun and the chaps i played with where wonderful.  3 of the 4 I played with where new faces and they seemed so friendly and warm.  Back home rather late for me though!

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