Birthday celebrations

The boy, the girl and the Poodle came for the weekend to celebrate our birthdays. In the morning, were sent off to walk the Poodle for two hours. When we returned the two of them had made a lemon meringue pie, the boy used to make with the girl's mother and wanted to pass on the memory.

After lunch, we set off to the second surprise in the old cinema in Valkenburg. We always enjoy playing board games and don't object to a degree of difficulty. To have you voluntarily locked up in an escape room in order to get out again is a different form of playing, demanding us to work together. We had 60 minutes to figure out how to make it to the exit. Together. During the game, it was very clear how we weren't used to co-operating and did not trust our own qualities. Or maybe we even couldn't find those qualities ..... Bert and I were looking around searching for clues we were doing there in the first place. The purpose of the game, or so. At one point, I was even talking to someone I saw through virtual reality glasses. The girl was calling numbers, colours and letters and the boy panicked after 45 minutes and almost wanted to give up doing whatever we were doing. At that point, I snapped out of my not having an idea of what we were doing. We were finally cooperating.
According to the member of the crew, who entered the room at point zero, we were very close to having solved all riddles and codes. He probably says that to every group.
It will certainly become a new hobby for us. There are plenty of them around here.

After a visit to the pancake mill, where the restaurant was crowded, strangely enough, we returned home.
Our birthday party ended with karaoke night until late.

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