Nearly there

This is a kit to make a bag, which my daughter bought me a few years ago. I love it - the yarn is made out of old T-shirts and is a lovely colour, it even has a strap and the means to make a magnetic fastening. 

However, I  have not yet managed to make it, as it is crochet and my skills in crochet are limited. I can do all the stitches and have made several blankets etc. but when it comes to any kind of shaping I'm lost. I have struggled with the base of the bag and have tried and pulled the work out many times. Anyway in the last few days I have unearthed it and set to. The base is a bit wobbly, but I am now much further on and it is beginning to look like a bag. 

I wonder how many other unfinished projects I will be able to get through when we are isolated!!

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