Friday Foto

By drmackem


The miseducation of….
A Photo
Big nose hoping for cheese
A Muse
The North is a term I use to describe my part of the world. When I left home in the far north to study in Leeds, I thought that I’d moved to the midlands, but evceryone thought they were living in the North, which beumused me.
Having lived in Yorkshire for now most of my life since, I’ve had to redraw my idea of the North.
So here’s my working definition of the north. There’s a line between the Humber and the Mersey, above it is The North, beneath it is The South.
For example we’re staying in Sheffield tonight with family – so by this definition Sheffield is in the South, which I’m comfortable with, it’s in South Yorkshire (which with the propensity around here of dropping constantans etc is actually South of Yorkshire).
A Tune
In need of some Covid-19 counter cheer....
Bring Me Sunshine - Morcombe and Wise

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