Self isolation?

Our dog seemed to want to distance himself from all his balls and toys. But that was after playing with them for half an hour.

We were minimising contact at church today. No coffee/tea/ biscuits between the services. Many social and other events cancelled. No bad thing given the age of some members of the congregation!

Shops had bread and butter back today. But still no flour, gel, tins of tomatoes etc

I spent much of the afternoon in the greenhouse planting seeds and tidying up. Very therapeutic and a potential food source in a few months time.

Listening to the news however I increasingly question the language being used by reporters. There was a report from Germany of having reached 5,000 cases. It was described as “alarming”. 500,000 cases in a short period; or 5 million cases in a short period might be described as alarming. 5,000 is as anticipated.

The vast majority of the population across the world is going to get this virus. And the vast majority will get through it.

The issues are when and what proportion of the population will fall seriously ill; and whether the health and support services are going to be in a position to cope with the demand.

Despite the UK seemingly ploughing a different furrow to many nations I believe the Scottish Government’s approach, and that of the UK’s to a degree, to be the right one. There are some excellent descriptions of what is looked to being achieved. Jason Leitch, Catherine Calderwood, and the YouTube description using buckets of water and bottles are great.

The problem is whether the population will listen. The empty shelves on supermarkets suggest that might not be the case.

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