None shall sleep

Rained, heavily all day.  Very appropriate really.

At home, during a morning of trying to do some school work (preparing on line distance learning activities for my classes and next year's budget proposal for the department) but my mind constantly wanders to other things.  Yesterday I accepted that Gentle clearly needs to go back to the vet as he is not recovering, and so this afternoon a neighbour friend colleague drove us, in pouring rain, to the vetinary where Gentle will stay at least for several days. Poor babe, he hates it there. My friend and I then went to Akmerkez mall where we had a coffee in an almost empty MOC cafe before going back to campus. 

The rest of the afternoon stretched in to a long, long, long evening of background TV,  and Facebook - online conversations with bro and Europe wide friends whilst watching my news feed, scrolling through an eclectic minestrone of jolly funny corona jokes, amusing nemes, sanctimonious social critique, alarmist warnings disguised as well meant advice, as well as a plethora of  'the end is nigh of the world as we know it' articles (especially from the Guardian), a sprinkling of Trump and the US election, some great opportunities for free on line learning courses from ivy league universities, free online access to world leading orchestral concerts and free virtual art gallery tours - and of course, locked down Italians on their balcony singing Nessun Dorma.  

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