With Jen, my Aussie friend

We went to Cocoa Room where I’d been at the weekend. Delicious! Pesto eggs with lemon aioli and the combination worked. Jen loved her dish too. She’ll take hubby. Again, it was quiet but the roads were busy. Good to know some fellow country people.

Home to start planning next week’s move, then Physio. Later N brought over a new colleague to look at my furniture. She not only liked the furniture but the apartment. Sleep on it, I said. Especially as news of a lockdown (flights) from midnight tomorrow night was coming in. Her husband was trying to get out of Malaysia which wasn’t looking possible. People were panic buying in the supermarkets, was it fake news? Supermarkets were telling us they had plenty of food. Should I shop or stay at home? I have rice, bread, lentils. Listen to the supermarkets, go tomorrow. I bought an avocado smoothie downstairs from the juice bar.

In the meanwhile I was updating my former manager J about the new role. Go, she said, tomorrow! While you can.. what should I do?

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