Wings of Stone

10°C  -  Feels like 7°C  -  15 mph SW Wind Speed  -  20 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy. Next-door-but-one neighbour had decided he would have a bonfire  -  20 mph SW gusts meant all his smoke was smothering my garden!  It’s Green Bin day tomorrow, so that's where my garden waste is going.  Anyway, I decided  was forced to potter about indoors.  I’m half way through ‘Wings of Stones’ -  it’s the second time I’ve read it.  It’s one of these novels where the second reading  -  and I expect there’ll be a third  -  opens up new horizons and ideas about people and relationships.  Very useful having a few shelves of such books, because I've decided not to visit the Public Library while the virus scare is on.  My extra is a Raven that is denuding my Elderberry tree of twigs to built his nest with  -  I haven't found out yet where he is nesting!

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