Buckley Hughes World

By buckleyhughes

They work for you

Every now and then something happens that makes you think they they really might work for you... (Check out www.theyworkforyou.com for information)

Last year I emailed our Tory MP about the equal marriage consultation. She replied, which was great, but kind of what she was supposed to do. And then, unsolicited, she sent me the Hansard transcript of the subsequent debate and asked for my thoughts on it, and whether it had answered my concerns.

As the vote has today been announced for next Tuesday I thought I'd better reply and let her know what I think.

Not only do I find myself in the uncomfortable position of being grateful to her for actively soliciting opinion, but I also agreed with Crispin Blunt in the debate...

Fingers crossed the vote on Tuesday goes well... If it does, you can all come to the party!

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