Free as a bird

By freebird

Daffodils in the wood

We in the vulnerable bracket need to stay very close to home now for our own good and to avoid being a burden on the NHS.  So I’m going to keep a daily journal of  life while keeping social distancing.
Normally I would be in and out all week attending U3A groups,  meeting friends, going for walks and doing the odd volunteer drive.
Day 1
My neighbour G and I and another friend went out for our exercise and fresh air and a walk in the countryside around our village.
We did about four miles, heard and saw the skylarks, and enjoyed blue skies. On the way we enjoyed this little wood where daffodils put on a lovely show each year. 
It’s really important for us older people to obey the rules and keep mentally and physically well so that we don’t put a burden on our hospitals and medical staff.
My son lives in London and unbelievably there are far too many people there who seem to be ignoring all the directives from the Government..They are hanging about on street corners in groups, sitting in crowded cafes and eateries and crowding into supermarkets. The Government Must get a grip on this and find ways of enforcing these vital rules. Not only are they putting their own lives in danger but many others as well. 

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