Today's ramblings ....... and it's got little to do with walks in the countryside. 

Got an email from the eldest last night. He's working from home for the foreseeable future.

Sorted the recycling for collection tomorrow.

Cleaned the bird feeders and trays. Much easier to connect the short length of hose to the outdoor tap and use the jet spray. 

Received emails from supermarkets about their special opening times for 'elderly' customers. I don't qualify!  No problem as (even though I'm an early bird) there's no way I could get to Sainsbury's in Kendal for 7 am. As for Booths, they've now designated my usual shopping time for the elderly and vulnerable.

Found out that the National Trust are (at the moment) keeping their grounds open for the public to enjoy with no entry fee.  Although I'm a member of NTS my OH does pay as you go so we might have a few more NT outings. 

Soup for lunch. We seem to have a surplus of tinned tomato soup because I put a six pack in a 'safe place' and forgot about it. 

Had a walk around Stock Ghyll park and falls as shown in the blip.

Had a Whats App chat with youngest who had birthday plans for this weekend which look set to be cancelled because of Boris's comments on non-essential travel. She's going to get a box of Waitrose wine delivered from big brother. I might offer to go and share it. Or does that class as non essential travel!

Planning another supermarket shop. I don’t need toilet rolls or soap but will be buying wine and chocolate ....... and tagliatelle. 

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