Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Big Changes!

Big changes represented in a photo...a new viaduct stroll from my new little home. A positive to the lighter evenings is always the increased number of walking routes. :-D I loved going across the fields tonight. What a treat!

I drove home from school listening to Five Live on the radio just as the announcement was made that schools would be closing their doors on Friday until further notice. I'm unsure how the promise to provide for those who are children of key workers and those with specific individual needs will be met, but it's a very strange feeling to think all schools will be shut.

My sister is in the same position up in Troon where the schools and collages are closed.

There isn't really any words to describe the situation, it just feels rather surreal. The roads were unbelievably quiet today, especially noticeable on the way home.

Let's see what tomorrow brings...

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