Watch the Birdies

Thank you for the response to yesterday’s Grouse.

Today I was looking to get some structure to the day. This morning was spent sanding the stair spindles in preparation for painting. Once I had tidied up decided to go for a short and hilly bike ride. Pleased to find the work at the gym allowed the hills to be conquered without too much pain.

We then had a walk in Dalby with Jet. As we passed the bird feeders at the Visitor Centre the feeders were empty. As we returned with sparse offerings on the photographic front the feeders were full and attracting some small visitors. Phew Blip sorted!

Today’s offering from Positively Pooh..
Don’t be afraid to ask for help

At last he found a pencil and a small piece of dry, paper, and a bottle with a cork to it.
And he wrote on one side of the paper:
and on the other side:

Trying to avoid too much news just the edited highlights about whatever next. Thank goodness they are testing again so that the progress of this dreadful virus can be monitored.

Stay positive folks

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