Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

'Leave me alone!'

I did a bit of shopping this morning, getting a few bits for my elderly neighbours as well as for my 97 year old aunt.
My neighbours are very 'young at heart' and, in normal circumstances, very sociable. They are really going to find a difference to their daily routine. No pub lunches or social gatherings. Luckily Bill is always busy in the garden and Im sure that the next project will be soon underway. Not bad for an 89year old!

 Polar opposite is my aunt who has lived a pretty solitary existence for the past thirty odd years but, as she still lives independently, it is down to me to make sure she has everything she needs.

While delivering to my aunt I had to pass Stover and couldn't resist a quick turn around the lake. I was only there for the length of time it took me to walk a circuit of the lake but I did manage to get a few action shots.
This one made me laugh when I looked at it on the monitor, because of the expression on the coot's face.

When I got home I spent a' joyful' couple of hours cleaning out the last section of the garage. I forgot to mention the other day that we have had another visit from Roland Rat. After the last invasion I had wrapped all the remaining cushions etc in plastic bags. These have saved items from being soiled but the evidence that the rat(s) has been in the garage is clear.
Rats are intelligent creatures and it/they were probably looking for bird food that I had stupidly left in the garage before. Hopefully on this last recce they have found nothing to eat and won't come back.

Anyway, I'm feeling very righteous today because the garage has never looked so clean and organised.

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