
Sorry I can’t remember which of you it was who said that Blipfoto would provide an invaluable account of responses to the coronavirus emergency. So I will make an effort to blip what will inevitably become a fairly repetitive experience.
We haven’t yet gone into anything quite lockdown-like, but we are getting close. Mr EAnn did pop to the shops this afternoon to have little success with a short list. 1 item out of 10!
Other than that we have read and watched a very small amount of TV. The good man has worked out how to download e books from the Kirklees library service. I’m ploughing my way through a good but rather dense biography of Ted Hughes.
Tomorrow we plan to do a quick raid on the library and to stock up on reading material. And there’s sunshine in the forecast so we should get down to the allotment in the coming days.
Thankful for all of that and for FaceTime, the phone and social media. Not as yet feeling too cut off.

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