Fresh Air!

Up early this morning as my nearest Supermarket was opening at 7am for the 70+age customers for an hour. I got there just gone 7. There were two security chaps on the door, and a lot of people. Infact i don't think i have seen it as busy even at Christmas!!! Word has it that there were 200 people waiting to be let in. Once inside, well never mind the advice to stay at least 1-2 metres from each other. There were staff trying to replenish stocks, and also attempting to fulfill orders. I had 15 items on my list and got ten, which included a bottle of gin and two tonics for a friend. I was glad to get home for my breakfast!

Later in the morning I delivered the said gin and tonics, noticed that the cat convertor indicator was showing so went for a drive to clear it, and finished up at Instow. I hadn't been there to see the high spring tides and just as well as there was debris all along the road. But there was a ray of brightness with a Hockings Ice Cream van parked up. I good I only had one scoop and no flake in my cornet ;-)

Thank you for dropping by and for your comments and rewards, hope you are all coping wherever you are in the World. Stay safe :-) x

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