Up through the woods.

Oot n aboot in the park; too many people around so we promptly headed uphill into the woods, in spring sunshine. Never saw anyone till we returned to the car. Good social distancing.

My wife did a bit in the garden this morning. I didn’t. We watched First Minster’s Questions, a lot on obviously just now. On our way for our walk I diverted for a haircut. No other customers, and she fastidiously cleaned the chair. Couldn’t ask for better.
Later we watched to the Cabinet Secretary for Education’s statement online, https://news.gov.scot/speeches-and-briefings/statement-on-covid19-managing-the-impacts-on-scottish-education which advised of the decision to close Scotland’s schools, first time that’s happened since 1888. Plenty teacher chat in our family; that’ll continue.

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