
Its all rather depressing, and I worry about us all and our country. 
From 28 yesterday to 39 today (I know its not many compared with other countries, but we have to remember that our population is  only 4.8 million) fortunately still none by community transmission. 
As is other countries, our economy is shattered, job losses, businesses failing, worried folk left right and centre, no gatherings, church services, library’s the list goes on.....and no ANZAC parades and services on the 25th April. 
Doug and I are self isolating as best we can, not because we have been in contact with anyone (as far as we know) but just because it seems sensible. 

OldTimer called in this afternoon, I think she may load a Blip today.....
I started a Blurb book this afternoon, have to fill in my time with something productive.  There are plenty of books to read as well.  Walking and biking still on the agenda of course.

The photo was taken through the window after a light drizzle this morning.

Take care out there friends


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