Night Time Visitor

What might have been a day of DiY started off badly when I unloaded the bread maker and realised I had forgotten to put any yeast into the mix.  This is, of course, justice for my comments about the locusts stripping supermarket shelves!

Gill had a please help call from the village pharmacy and went in for 5 hours to help with a backlog of prescriptions for a local residential care home.   While she was away I tidied and vacuumed the house which would not have made much of a blip, so this is an out take from a trail camera video.   I know we get the occasional deer in the railway cutting but this is the first time one has come close to the camera.

Ideas on which variety welcome - we do see muntjacs but this ones ears look too big and the whole deer looks too big once it gets closer to the camera and can be compared with the covered seat on the left.

#Warning Rant  Starts Here...
Immediately inside the pharmacy door is a BIG RED SIGN which asks customers to not enter if they have flu symptoms and keep a reasonable distance apart if waiting inside.  They even have chairs set out so people can wait apart from each other.  Not sure that is enough,  Gill says people have to be told to stand further back and will insist on getting too close to the person being served.    The same in the small village shops, no bread on display:  please stand about aimlessly, chat to anyone about your recently acquired virology degree and explain at length how you couldn't possibly be a risk to others because you believe in magic moonbeams or some other bol##ks you read on twitter  :-)
# and Relax .....

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