Lent 2020 day 24

’A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side… But a Samaritan, as he travelled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.’ (Luke 10:31-33)

Gideon Heugh writes:

“Familiarity can lead to unfamiliarity. I wonder if we’ve become so familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan that we’ve forgotten how shocking it is.

The Samaritans and the Jews hated each other. Their differences were ethnic, religious and geographic. They avoided each other at all costs. Yet Jesus holds up a Samaritan – not someone from his own religion or culture – as the example we need to follow.

God wants us to look beyond the boundaries of our tribes. His command is to love our neighbours; and our neighbours, according to Jesus, must include people who are not like us – people whom we may disagree with or even dislike.

At Tearfund, we reach out to people regardless of race, religion or any other social, cultural or political label. Love is not comfortable; it is not safe; it is not easy. But if we are truly to do the will of God, it is essential.

Dear God,
Help us to see other people as you see them: as masterpieces of your divine hands, worthy of love, dignity and respect. Help us to break down the barriers around us, and to open our hearts to all. Amen.”

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